Last Thursday, over 1,200 real estate professionals descended on the Palladium at Crown for the annual Ray White Victoria & Tasmania state awards to celebrate the top offices and individual achievers throughout the network.
Our Ray White Reservoir office is proud to present our best year yet, claiming the number 5 spot for Top Offices in Victoria for settled commission.
Our office also came out on top with a few wins for the evening, with our office being awarded the Business Achievement Office of the Year award and also coming second for Auctions sold.
Individual winners for the evening also included Mathew Marotta for Top Referring Salesperson for Loan Market and our in-house Loan Market Broker, Daniel Vella being awarded Top Referring Broker as well as Keb Nguyen also coming second for Top Auction Performer.
Our Sales Consultants, Keb Nguyen and Mathew Marotta, as well as our Director, John Catanzariti were also acknowledged as an Elite Performers for 2016, placing them in the top percentile for settled commission for the year, with Keb coming 18th in the state and Mathew 15th.
Many of our employees were nominated for their spectacular work throughout the year, putting them in the running for a variety of awards on the evening. Our nominees for the evening included Maddy Stirrat for Property Manager of the Year, Frank Virgato, Julien Cordima and Lauren Angeli for Property Management Rising Star, our Rentals team for Property Management Team of the Year, Natalia Petrovska and Peter Carlesso for PA of the year, Heather Mellican, Peter Carlesso and Melissa Germano for Administrator of the Year and Melissa Ventura and Jeannette Catazariti for the Partner Support Award.
We are incredibly proud of our achievements this financial year and look forward to it carrying through to next year.